Sunday, January 23, 2011

It Started with 1 song :P

Assalamualaikum(have to get use giving salam before starting a speech or conversation)

On the night of 25th January, the initial plan was to only sing a birthday song for najla, with the music played by Dba. we sang the birthday song about 10 times, literally 10 times, either dba hit the wrong note or we couldnt stand laughing bcoz we were like "happy birthday to........(waiting for dba to hit the right note) YOU!". Jgn mara dba..ull be pro one day ^^

EXHAUSTED. I asked Najla to search for Ana Rafalli' song. coz she won the AJL but people said she didnt deserve it. So i have to see it for myself. True. I couldnt understand a word she said. Need jaja to translate for me (after she watched it over n over). N the performance was weird. In a cage, with tuxedo people dancing n ghost wearing yellow cloth wandering...weird. Najla Jolie can do better imitation.dgn main goreng je gitar tu kn. Penyeluk masa eh Najla :P

It should be one song but then we watched Faizal Tahir since jaja said his performance was cool. True. He did Houdini trick! L

Like a contagious disease, we started to watch almost all of AJL songs. The most contagious virus was was the opening songs playing the 80's.

Sbbkan frust mengenangkan Hyper Puppy (ring a bell someone? :P) xde lagu2 'tangkap leleh', we started to search for the hits 80's song. Fransesca Peter, Nash, Jamal Abdillah, Awie, Ziana Zain, Aishah, Siti pn termasuk gak la, and SINGING it along. Free karaoke! bands x sempat plak. Itupun da 2 jam. Haha! org kat atas berusrah, kite beronggeng..ish3...

Jaja is the most pro. Hafal lirik sebijik2. What year were u born dear?? Dba as usual lagu siti.kipas-susah-mati Siti. seriously x pernah dgr lagu Azimat Cinta.

It was supposed to be 1 song. I was supposed to do my thesis @_@ Tulah mengutuk Ana Rafalli.

The 80's are the evergreen song


  1. May be sebab tu pqa tido awal tak sedar pape ni.
    Suara korang jadi lullaby~

  2. nazirul :huhu..xde part rapping la nazirul :P
    pqa :pasni kene charge 5 ribu 1 lagu :P
