suatu masa dahulu....
aku belajar untuk nilai yang bagus, buat parents bangga, dapatkan course yg mantap,uni yg hebat..and so on..kalau pergi usrah,org kata belajar demi Allah..lagi la payah nak menghayati..
waktu exam dl,ada pilihan jawapan, kalau dah tak tahu sgt, tembak je mana2, kalau betul,alhamdulillah, kalau salah nak buat mcm mana kn,belajar dari kesalahan...
setelah masuk hospital....
berdepan dgn org2 yg sakit dgn multipathologic prob..dahla diabetes mellitus, ada pulak congestive heart failure,tak cukup dgn tu, tambah lg chronic kidney disease. as if internal prob tak banyak,ada pulak masalah kulit..Ya Allah...ada ke ruang untuk berbuat salah pada keadaan begini?
kalau dulu main teka2 je jawapan, boleh ke sekarang nak main teka2 je patient sakit apa?boleh ke senang2 nak bagi ubat tanpa memikirkan efek sampingan? mistake,can cost a life
Kalau dulu belajar sambil lewa demi sehelai kertas..sekarang ni belajarlah dengan sepenuh hati alia demi kehidupan orang,demi redha Allah supaya di akhirat nanti kau dapat bagi buku amalan dgn tangan kananmu.. Wallahua'lam...
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Friday, June 3, 2011
Alhamdulillah...segala pujian bagi Allah. Setelah 3.5 tahun bertungkus-lumus,bersengkang mata, bertarik rambut, grad jugak akhirnye...n yes,I know there will be more hysterical act, but im gonna be thankful for the time being.
PS: seriously x payah la pakai baju cun2.pakai singlet n tudung biase je pn bole.huhuhu..n for girls like my size,prasan la diri anda kurus,n pendek (huhu). pilihla size S for ur jubah grad ;)
Forgive me if this post is way too late from the date of my graduation because there was a problem at my blog page itself. Button 'new post' hilang.huhuuuu.
19 MAY 2011
PS: seriously x payah la pakai baju cun2.pakai singlet n tudung biase je pn bole.huhuhu..n for girls like my size,prasan la diri anda kurus,n pendek (huhu). pilihla size S for ur jubah grad ;)
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Karimun Jawa...worth every penny and sunburn
Things that I thought could only be seen on TV, I saw it with my own eyes few days ago.How could there be such beautiful things. Things that I thought looked like fake but it is the real one(actually the fakes immitate the real ones :P) because the colour is just so...colourful(all this while I thought the ocean is only blue :P)
Karimun is like a whole new world. Even hours on the boat looking only at the clouds,sea and sun, the scenery is always breathtaking (cuma bontot je kamatu).
Nak pergi tempat cantik, perjalanan pun 'cantik' jugak la kn.Ini route die : Jogja-Jepara(pelabuhan)-Karimun.
Dari Jogja ke Jepara adela dlm 4-6jam bergantung pada keadaan lalu lintas. Dari Jepara ke Karimun pulak lagi 6jam(ade kapal yg 3jam tp byran 3x ganda la dr feri 6jam).So about 12jam journey...The cost can be refer to Nazirul's page. But basically all of it. From Jogja back to Jogja, homestay, all the activity, foods and souvenir were about 1 juta (RM350).
Anyways, didnt really mind the hours of travel(on the ferry) because I just love to enjoy scenes of nature..the clouds,the sea, the sun, never fail to amaze me. When we arrived there, we were welcomed by Mas Alex. Mas yg sengal...So as his frenz who we met later
Even though we wore life jackets, jumping into the ocean is aint easy. Knowing that the ocean is a place with no boundaries makes me feel quite nervous in the beginning. But once I took the leap and opened my eyes, the first thing that I saw was BREATHTAKING,literally. I was really taking a breath of amazed(eventhough we do breath with our mouth). The ocean was so crystal clear, every details can be seen. In pictures,it may seem a lil bit dull but believe, it was very colourful in reality...
I dont now how to swim,which makes me even scared (pdhal dah pakai life jacket). Everytime I got near to the coral reefs to close, I panicked :P but then, lots of people gave the encouragement and so learn how to swim. As soon as I released my life jacket, it wasnt too long for me to be able to swim. Well, there was other FACTORS that helped me a lot.
TQ Fatin for the support =) |
Sifu renang. Bkn yg seblah kanan k :P |
- Snorkeling mask(so I wont worried from out of oxygen)
- Snorkeling fins (saves my energy)
- The ocean (higher density, more buoyancy)
- Being a women itself (heheee...)
Haziq org plg byk dive |
Napia pose plg cool |
Is to dive without oxygen tank. To do this, first thing is u have to know how to swim. Since I cant really swim,so...anyways to do duck dive,firstly "badan kayak jarum". ur butt n ur legs are like the back of the needle :P then dive. sounds easy but it aint.cause u tend to float again. Then when u get to dive, in 3 meters deep u'll feel a pressure that would burst ur ears n for panic people like me, as soon as the water enters the snorkeling mask, u'll be hurrying wanting to breath. But if u r able to do that, u r sooo lucky to see the beautiful corals =)
Is to dive without oxygen tank. To do this, first thing is u have to know how to swim. Since I cant really swim,so...anyways to do duck dive,firstly "badan kayak jarum". ur butt n ur legs are like the back of the needle :P then dive. sounds easy but it aint.cause u tend to float again. Then when u get to dive, in 3 meters deep u'll feel a pressure that would burst ur ears n for panic people
Ini je yg ak mampu. Itupun Pak Dol yg tarik ke bawah :P |
While group yang gile renang and diving where finding nemo, er joo, fadhli, imran and me (geng2 xtau berenang except fadli tp die pn malas berenang) choose to sit back and relax..and maybe some "Nike commercial" act. Fadhli sendiri yg request k(xde sape pakse die)
how could sands be moulded like this? |
That turtle sure knows how to give love bite :P |
"Patrick" |
Er, turtle tu lagi garang la.zzzz |
Believe me, even if you go to a high class,expensive,exclusive (exaggerate gile2) restaurant, you wont find fish as fresh as this. After being in the water for hours, eating frsh 'ikan bakar' with 'sambal belacan' and 'sambal kicap' is the best!JUST ENJOY THE VIEW....
Karimun is like a whole new world. Even hours on the boat looking only at the clouds,sea and sun, the scenery is always breathtaking (cuma bontot je kamatu).
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Tak ajak pun...
popular among the gurls...gurls, wat pape pn mst same2.nk g skola same2, makan same2, toilet pn kdg2 nk g same2 (esp asrama gurls). klu ade yg tertggl mesti merajuk. "tak ajak pn..." pastu gado :P
tp sbnrnye, x semua bende yg org buat, kite nk hrp kn di ajak. kalau da satu rumah ade 9 org, jenuh jgk nk ajak2 sorg2 at times,pandai2 la wat diri di ajak.mcm ade sorg kwn ni sbb nk di ajak ke wedding org,br la nk mencapub kat fb org tu kn :P. klu diri tu suke terperuk dlm bilik,asik bertutup je pintu (pintu ketat sbnrnye), rajin2 la klua tnjk muke.."eh, korg nk mkn mane?".baru la org x lupe keberadaan ko.
pastu bile org da ajak tu, rajin2 la ikut kn (da nk sgt kene ajak kn). ini bl org da ajak2 tp xnk ikut plak. lame2 org pn menyampah jgk nak ajak. asal org ajak usrah je x ikut. pastu bile da x diajak terase.huhuuu
kadang2 tu, x rase nk pegi pn, tp ngade2 nk gak di ajak. dorg g bali? x ajak sbnrnye klu kene ajak pn x nak pegi jugak. so pe tujuan kene ajak tu?zzzzzz
tapi tak bermakne setiap mase kite nk hrpkn org pandai2 fikir sendiri..."ah,pandai2 die la.klu da lapar,nk mkn,ikut jela skali". sometimes, people wanted to be invited just as a sign that they are remembered. thats all. bende2 cmni seriusly payah. mmg kene ade kesepakatn mutual.esp complicated.*sigh*...
so klu kdg2 diri x diajak tu, jgnla terase berlebih2an k. tarik nafas,sit back n relax, n think of all the positive possibility nape ko x diajak. "die tido lmbt smlm,xnk kaco la ajak g psr pagi", "die tgh batuk selsema tu, xkn nk ajak gi bali plak".
apepn, xyah la merajuk lame2, xde hati len yg membengkak dan membusuk selain hati kita sndr. peace!^^
ps:semua perumpamaan di atas tiada kaitan dgn org lain kecuali diri sndr.klu ade sape2 terase terkene btg hidung die.sori bangat! tiada niat sebegitu k..
tp sbnrnye, x semua bende yg org buat, kite nk hrp kn di ajak. kalau da satu rumah ade 9 org, jenuh jgk nk ajak2 sorg2 at times,pandai2 la wat diri di ajak.mcm ade sorg kwn ni sbb nk di ajak ke wedding org,br la nk mencapub kat fb org tu kn :P. klu diri tu suke terperuk dlm bilik,asik bertutup je pintu (pintu ketat sbnrnye), rajin2 la klua tnjk muke.."eh, korg nk mkn mane?".baru la org x lupe keberadaan ko.
pastu bile org da ajak tu, rajin2 la ikut kn (da nk sgt kene ajak kn). ini bl org da ajak2 tp xnk ikut plak. lame2 org pn menyampah jgk nak ajak. asal org ajak usrah je x ikut. pastu bile da x diajak terase.huhuuu
kadang2 tu, x rase nk pegi pn, tp ngade2 nk gak di ajak. dorg g bali? x ajak sbnrnye klu kene ajak pn x nak pegi jugak. so pe tujuan kene ajak tu?zzzzzz
tapi tak bermakne setiap mase kite nk hrpkn org pandai2 fikir sendiri..."ah,pandai2 die la.klu da lapar,nk mkn,ikut jela skali". sometimes, people wanted to be invited just as a sign that they are remembered. thats all. bende2 cmni seriusly payah. mmg kene ade kesepakatn mutual.esp complicated.*sigh*...
so klu kdg2 diri x diajak tu, jgnla terase berlebih2an k. tarik nafas,sit back n relax, n think of all the positive possibility nape ko x diajak. "die tido lmbt smlm,xnk kaco la ajak g psr pagi", "die tgh batuk selsema tu, xkn nk ajak gi bali plak".
apepn, xyah la merajuk lame2, xde hati len yg membengkak dan membusuk selain hati kita sndr. peace!^^
ps:semua perumpamaan di atas tiada kaitan dgn org lain kecuali diri sndr.klu ade sape2 terase terkene btg hidung die.sori bangat! tiada niat sebegitu k..
Friday, April 8, 2011
Believing the existence of God
Its been a long time since i wrote a blog. I was about to start again by telling bout my holiday but turns out I found another blog that catches my eyes and dazzled me. Its about the existence of God.
A scientist stated that there is no such thing as God. The planet exist solely base on scientific explanation. But the planet created so perfectly, so accurately that even the slightest mistake could cause a disaster, so can we call it a coincidence? Enjoy the link below =)
A scientist stated that there is no such thing as God. The planet exist solely base on scientific explanation. But the planet created so perfectly, so accurately that even the slightest mistake could cause a disaster, so can we call it a coincidence? Enjoy the link below =)
Saturday, March 5, 2011
y do I hate Malay drama?(not all)
nothing to write actually...just replacing the whining post previously.moral of the story:never burst out things when u r emotionally :P
anyways,in Malaysia right now.Its only been 2 days but i sure am good in procastinating. jogging?reading books?havent done any of them yet.except just finished 20 episodes of Secret Garden in 2 days :P.shows that its a nice story.thnx fazrul.
right now am watching Malay drama with my relatives. its so pathetic n annoying till I have to re open the laptop n blogging.y does malay drama has to be so pity???sorg duda dgn 3 anak cacat,di hina org,anak 1st kene aniaya msk penjara,anak 2nd kene rogol,anak 3rd durhaka pastuh kawen dgn org kaye.ingtkn boleh bahagia rupe2nye kene jage bini tua yg lumpuh(dah lumpuh pn jahat lg).x cukup dgn tu ade sorg lg bini sexy yg jahat jgk.zzzzzz...bile nk ending nih. oh,skg ni bapak die plak sakit.perfect.
does this stigma still happens in our community?hurmmm...renung2 kan la ye...dah ngantuk tgk cite meleret berjela sgt....(ape ak merapu ntah)
anyways,in Malaysia right now.Its only been 2 days but i sure am good in procastinating. jogging?reading books?havent done any of them yet.except just finished 20 episodes of Secret Garden in 2 days :P.shows that its a nice story.thnx fazrul.
right now am watching Malay drama with my relatives. its so pathetic n annoying till I have to re open the laptop n blogging.y does malay drama has to be so pity???sorg duda dgn 3 anak cacat,di hina org,anak 1st kene aniaya msk penjara,anak 2nd kene rogol,anak 3rd durhaka pastuh kawen dgn org kaye.ingtkn boleh bahagia rupe2nye kene jage bini tua yg lumpuh(dah lumpuh pn jahat lg).x cukup dgn tu ade sorg lg bini sexy yg jahat jgk.zzzzzz...bile nk ending nih. oh,skg ni bapak die plak sakit.perfect.
does this stigma still happens in our community?hurmmm...renung2 kan la ye...dah ngantuk tgk cite meleret berjela sgt....(ape ak merapu ntah)
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Broken Record
The mistakes keep playin in my head like a broken record.It is the fourth OSCE but this is the first that gave my heartache the most. Previously, at least I know some of them I was able to do well. But this one?it feels like I screwed every station. It was supposed to be the best performance because its the last, but somehow, its the worst
usually, after OSCE I feel like a free person. No looking back. Just forget the mistakes(after learning from it) and move forward. Ape nak jadi, pasrah je. but not with this. somehow its hard to let go.
I wanna forget it. trying to say to myself tawakkal pd Allah,berserah,ape dah jd dah jd,nasi da jadi taik,nangis air mata darah skalipn x gune.but it just does not work :((
Plz3 ya Allah, give ease to this heart... so that I can start fresh tomorrow, n not bothered by this anymore.......for now
usually, after OSCE I feel like a free person. No looking back. Just forget the mistakes(after learning from it) and move forward. Ape nak jadi, pasrah je. but not with this. somehow its hard to let go.
I wanna forget it. trying to say to myself tawakkal pd Allah,berserah,ape dah jd dah jd,nasi da jadi taik,nangis air mata darah skalipn x gune.but it just does not work :((
Plz3 ya Allah, give ease to this heart... so that I can start fresh tomorrow, n not bothered by this anymore.......for now
Saturday, February 19, 2011
A New Beginning of an Ending
I was searching for my Ospek certificate when I found other papers as well in the ospek file. A paper with a 'layan prasaan' notes. Never thought the notes I wrote when I just came here nearly becoming true...
Life is like a road,
some are very long
some are very short
some are just nice
Each of us will go through our own path
some are smooth
some are rough
some with hills and holes and flood
but some are just flat and straight and empty
But somehow,
sometimes our path meets
and we walk through the path together,stronger
till the end of the road
we separate again,alone....
*sori ayat x best pn :P sambung sket k...
it seems like the end
but it has just begun
no more turning back
its time to move forward
to face what real life is
life is hard
but its not impossible
no matter what tomorrow promise us
we just have to give our best
what u get will always comes and goes away
but your effort will always stay
so be strong my friends!
ps: chayok fahna !thanx for the boost. enjoy the song guys.may it boost up ur spirit too!
life is hard
but its not impossible
no matter what tomorrow promise us
we just have to give our best
what u get will always comes and goes away
but your effort will always stay
so be strong my friends!
ps: chayok fahna !thanx for the boost. enjoy the song guys.may it boost up ur spirit too!
for Bieber haters,sori!
Thursday, February 10, 2011
benang kambing?
semalam ayah call, cikgu seni adik suruh cari benang kambing utk kerja seni.apekah itu??adik pn pergi kedai,tnya benang kambing, org kat kedai pn xtau...merata la ayah dan anak mencari benang kambing,si ibu plak xde, kalau ada mungkin dpt tangkap yg dimaksudkan cikgu die tu adalah wool, benang yg buat kait tu...cikgu ni pun,xde terms yang lagi senang ke
setelah merata mencari,meredah hujan, jumpela kedai yg terletak kat tingkat 2, dahla kene naik tangga yg kecik semacam je, nak naik pn mcm bahaya adik punye psl segala rintangan sanggup diredah.beli la 2 gulung(xtau la penjodoh bilangan dia ape), warna kuning n merah...konon2 ingt seni esok nk mengait.
esoknye(iaitu harini),rupanye benang tu dililit pade sebatang pensil, dicelup dlm air painting, pastu roll atas kertas.apekah cikgu??seni apekah ini?itula yg terlintas di pikiran ayah,mama dan xle kondem lebih2,nanti adik marah."so dpt corak ape adik dah guling2 kn kat kertas tu?". "ntah,corak tayar".zzzzzzzz,cikgu kalau takat corak tayar xpayah la sampai benang kambing kot..getah or tali biase sudey...
ayah, sure x sangka kn, umur segini pn still kene lyn kerenah bdk skolah rendah :P ingtkan dah berlalu eh zaman2 tu XD
setelah merata mencari,meredah hujan, jumpela kedai yg terletak kat tingkat 2, dahla kene naik tangga yg kecik semacam je, nak naik pn mcm bahaya adik punye psl segala rintangan sanggup diredah.beli la 2 gulung(xtau la penjodoh bilangan dia ape), warna kuning n merah...konon2 ingt seni esok nk mengait.
esoknye(iaitu harini),rupanye benang tu dililit pade sebatang pensil, dicelup dlm air painting, pastu roll atas kertas.apekah cikgu??seni apekah ini?itula yg terlintas di pikiran ayah,mama dan xle kondem lebih2,nanti adik marah."so dpt corak ape adik dah guling2 kn kat kertas tu?". "ntah,corak tayar".zzzzzzzz,cikgu kalau takat corak tayar xpayah la sampai benang kambing kot..getah or tali biase sudey...
ayah, sure x sangka kn, umur segini pn still kene lyn kerenah bdk skolah rendah :P ingtkan dah berlalu eh zaman2 tu XD
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
For those who love to complaint ^^
Ok, alya, cepat siapkan thesis. No more excuses! Chayokkk!
p/s : as a muslim, we should thank Allah rather than the stars (which is also created by Him ^^)
Sunday, February 6, 2011
A mature conversation with a kid
Assalamualaikum...peace upon u. before I continue typing, I apologize if its always been a conversation between me with u-noe-who if u follow this blog :P I'll just write down the important parts k...
Me : Adik tengah buat ape?
Adik : Adik tengah study
Me : Owh,adik nak dekat exam eh?
Adik : takdela, study jela
Me : O_o...oowwhhhh,kalau kak ngah nak dekat exam baru study. bagus2
Adik : Adik exam 14hb
*nak dekat la tu -_-". But then again,I dont recall studying a week earlier when I was standard 6
Adik : Mama pesan kat kak ngah suruh kak long study (mum was washing the bathroom, so she passes her msg thru adik.mcm telepon buruk dah)
Me : Laaa, adik la pesan kat kak long suruh die study
Adik : Adik da pesan da..
Me : Adik ckp ape kat kak long
Adik : study betul2
Me : ........
*confius dgn sebentar dgn situasi.siape patut nasihat siape sbnrnye nih???
One day,if this blog still exist, Im gonna show her, that she's already old,literally at the age 12 :P
Me : Adik tengah buat ape?
Adik : Adik tengah study
Me : Owh,adik nak dekat exam eh?
Adik : takdela, study jela
Me : O_o...oowwhhhh,kalau kak ngah nak dekat exam baru study. bagus2
Adik : Adik exam 14hb
*nak dekat la tu -_-". But then again,I dont recall studying a week earlier when I was standard 6
Adik : Mama pesan kat kak ngah suruh kak long study (mum was washing the bathroom, so she passes her msg thru adik.mcm telepon buruk dah)
Me : Laaa, adik la pesan kat kak long suruh die study
Adik : Adik da pesan da..
Me : Adik ckp ape kat kak long
Adik : study betul2
Me : ........
*confius dgn sebentar dgn situasi.siape patut nasihat siape sbnrnye nih???
One day,if this blog still exist, Im gonna show her, that she's already old,literally at the age 12 :P
Friday, February 4, 2011
Happy Birthday U, the centre of attention
She is the centre of attention and she knows it -_-". In our family, of course because she is the last one,the unexpected. with the differences of 11 years with me, 9 years with my thought-to-be-the-youngest brother. But then,cant feel the difference much cause she talks like an adult. The effect of living with adult only (mum n dad)
Among the cousins she is the favorite. Those around her age loves to play with her. The older ones love to treat her. Even the whole family members of my second aunt (mak ngah) called her 'adik'. Adik siapela dorg panggil tu kan.sibuk je. Jeles sbb asal balik kampung je adik aku lenyap. No where to be seen at our grandparent's house cause she's already been 'kidnapped' to their house. mentang2 la ade PS2. Hmmmmphhh.
Why they all like her?because she's friendly?nah..dem shy la that kid.manje?nah....manje dgn kitorg je. suke ckp pelat2 ala2 comel?yekkk. She's just plain innocent, and i guess if skema is a bit harsh, maybe being proper (sopan) is the best word to describe.
Tak suke cari gadoh which makes other cousins like to play with her. "Kakak Qilah mane?" are the question that is always been asked every time they come to our house or if we all balik kampung.
Because she's polite and quiet, she does not complaint or demand anything (dgn org lain la). Orang kate senang nak jagela. That's why la slaloo kene ambik, making my sister like their own.ceit.. But everytime she wants to sleepover at my cousins house, even though we know its already routine everytime balik kampung, she will always politely, with a shy,innocent a lil bit scared face ask my mum, "mama...boleh adik tidur rumah mak ngah x?". Ingat senang2 ke nak bagi lepas bende secomel tuh.huhu
Me : dengar cite, ade org dpt netbook*dgn nada jeles*
Adik : uh.. (jawapan standard kalau nak elak soalan)
Me : dah umur 12 thn ni nak nangis lg x? (over sensitive..blaja dari sapela tu)
Adik : uh..
Me : Boleh cium lagi tak?
Adik : tak tau la (dah boring kene soklan panas bertubi2)
Thank you Allah for completing our family ^_^
P/S: Btw, my brother has been safely evacuated to Alexandria and today will be heading to Jeddah. Thank you for all the prayers. Keep praying for them k!
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
doc,seminar hasil sama pendadaran bisa sekalian gak?
In order to do the seminar hasil, have to get approval from 3 docs. Which means they all have to be free on the same date.
7hb : dr A n C dah bole tp dr B ade meeting
8hb : asalnye semua dr da bole tp tibe2 dr A plak ade meeting. so die kate 9hb die bole bile2 mase je
9hb : dr B ke Banyumas!
kesian dr C...luckily they extend the submission date.pasni kalo ade dr nk tuka tarikh lg nk emo suh bg A trus.dr C,jom emo bersama :P
ps: persediann utk koas.have to deal with it every time changing duty station
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Egyptians fight for their rights
Just knew last night about the chaos in Egypt. It was in Cairo, Alexandria, and Suez. My brother is studying in Cairo, with hundreds of other Malaysia students and also in Alexandria. The citizens of Egypt could not stand it anymore with the lack of jobs, poverty and increase of goods, so they stood up and fight for their right by demanding the president of Egypt, Hosni Mubarak, after 30 years ruling, to step down.
The president promise them with new cabinets and better enhancement. But that's not what they want. They want him DOWN. The damage was massive, death toll is increasing, thousands were hurt but the president wont back down.The crackdown on protesters has drawn harsh criticism from the Obama administration and even a threat Friday to reduce a $1.5 billion foreign aid program if Washington's most important Arab ally escalates the use of force. Because their stock market has had a sharp fall and it was the worse since 6 months ago. No wonder...
In Cairo, curfew has been implemented in order to keep people safe. Connection such as internet,sms has been blocked with reason protesters wont create chaotic situation in the internet, which makes it hard to know whether they are doing fine or not.
It has been said these demonstration is one of the worst that has ever happen. May Egypt finds the way out and may our loves one there are in safe condition. Amiiiiiin
Link :
The president promise them with new cabinets and better enhancement. But that's not what they want. They want him DOWN. The damage was massive, death toll is increasing, thousands were hurt but the president wont back down.The crackdown on protesters has drawn harsh criticism from the Obama administration and even a threat Friday to reduce a $1.5 billion foreign aid program if Washington's most important Arab ally escalates the use of force. Because their stock market has had a sharp fall and it was the worse since 6 months ago. No wonder...
In Cairo, curfew has been implemented in order to keep people safe. Connection such as internet,sms has been blocked with reason protesters wont create chaotic situation in the internet, which makes it hard to know whether they are doing fine or not.
It has been said these demonstration is one of the worst that has ever happen. May Egypt finds the way out and may our loves one there are in safe condition. Amiiiiiin
Link :
Friday, January 28, 2011
sometimes I'm just lurus bendul
Kadang2,xtau la kadang2 ke slalo,ak mmg sng percaye kat org (in certain situation).ckp sket atas sbb ni,sbb tu,percaye je.its not like I force myself to believe it. I just believe it.bersangke baik la katekan..ecece...
anyway,today when I was on my way home, nak jadikan cerita la,ble plak ter'eye contact' ng sorg makcik naik basikal, die pn stop la ak, well actually more to ak ingt die nk tnye jalan. rupe2 nye mtk duit nak beli ubat batuk utk anak die. off course la mule2 x tgk keadaan baju die,kasut die,basikal die...agak kesian la.die kate baru lps ambik beras.die tnjk dlm raga die.xphm pn ape mksd die sbnrnye.adekah bantuan mknn?
mule2 ingt nk bg je alsan x bwk dompet cm slalo wat kat makcik pakai baju cantik mtk duit utk rumah anak yatim dr parangtritis tu,tp ng mak cik ni xtau la.klu die tipu dose die,tp klu die x tipu, dosa x ak sbg org yg mmpu tp x tlg? last2 bg la sket duit kat die.betul atau x urusan die ng Allah.
Sampai2 dpn pagar,ade plak 2 org mamat kate nak cek tong gas takut2 bocor.ak pn ng x piki pape bg jela dorg msk.bile dorg da msk umah,Hanim start tnye mcm2, dr mane,da g mane,company mane,bla3....dpt agak la yg ade x caye sket kat situ. tp alhamdulillah mmg kepala gas ktrg bocor end up beli je la brg yg dorg jual.jual brg rupenye.mane la tau..sbb ak mmg lurus bendul..
sorila Hanim for being quite a lurus bendul. ape yg Hanim ckp kat Alia td sume betul.jgn sng caye kat org,dahla 2 laki...cume td sy mmg mengantuk gile, so jd la cranky n xmau menerima nasihat org...ish3...
slps ni akan lebih berhati2...haitttt!!!
Reminder: tgk tombol kepala gas korg,ade tulis utk berapa kilo pnye tong.ours is 3kg tp kepala gas tu rupenye bole tampung utk 2 kg je...bile da detach, nyalakan dapur,still ade api klua.haiihhhh...dorg ni,pttla slaloo ade kejadian letupan
Thursday, January 27, 2011
dr. Ghofir, you just have to put everything inside this CD rite? still, I love this elective block. Wish I had more time to read it. n IAllah I'm gonna to read it again when I'm in stase stroke^^
Move along peeps!
Mum : salam.smlm ayah call tp xdpt.mcm mana xm,ktrg doakn Alia blk buat.take care
Me : wslm.on je hp tu.bolela(jwnpn standard klu soklan sush).harini ade exam is getting hectic
Mum : that's part of life, have to learn to adapt n adopt
Yup,that's life. Love u mum!
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Rayuan Rindu....
My All time favorite nasyeed group.
Never get board listening to their songs
Hatiku merayu rindu
Kasihku padaMu syahdu
Munajat hamba padaMu
Mengharap kasih sayangMu
Hatiku merayu rindu
Kasihku padaMu syahdu
Munajat hamba padaMu
Mengharap kasih sayangMu
Carilah ilmu mengenal Allah
Tanamkan takut neraka Allah
Semaikan harap syurga Allah
Carilah keredhaan Allah
Rinduku ya Rasulallah
Padamu ya Habiballah
Walau tak pernah bersua
Cintaku tetap membara
Rinduku ya Rasulallah
Padamu ya Habiballah
Engkaulah buah hatiku
Engkaulah kekasih Allah
Alangkah indah peribadimu
Tidak tergambar mulia akhlakmu
Engkaulah rasul pilihan Allah
Bawa rahmat seluruh alam
My heart is loving You
My heart is just for You
Knowing You Allah
I will try to get close to You
My heart is loving You
My heart is just for You
Knowing You Allah
I will try to get close to You
Let us find the way to know our God
Feel the torches of hell-fire
Think of pleasures of paradise
Find the way to get Allah's love
Hatiku merayu rindu
Kasihku padaMu syahdu
Bertemu Allah yang esa
Menjadi idaman kalbu
Hatiku merayu rindu
Kasihku padaMu syahdu
Bertemu Allah yang esa
Menjadi idaman kalbu
It Started with 1 song :P
Assalamualaikum(have to get use giving salam before starting a speech or conversation)
On the night of 25th January, the initial plan was to only sing a birthday song for najla, with the music played by Dba. we sang the birthday song about 10 times, literally 10 times, either dba hit the wrong note or we couldnt stand laughing bcoz we were like "happy birthday to........(waiting for dba to hit the right note) YOU!". Jgn mara dba..ull be pro one day ^^
EXHAUSTED. I asked Najla to search for Ana Rafalli' song. coz she won the AJL but people said she didnt deserve it. So i have to see it for myself. True. I couldnt understand a word she said. Need jaja to translate for me (after she watched it over n over). N the performance was weird. In a cage, with tuxedo people dancing n ghost wearing yellow cloth wandering...weird. Najla Jolie can do better imitation.dgn main goreng je gitar tu kn. Penyeluk masa eh Najla :P
It should be one song but then we watched Faizal Tahir since jaja said his performance was cool. True. He did Houdini trick! L
Like a contagious disease, we started to watch almost all of AJL songs. The most contagious virus was was the opening songs playing the 80's.
Sbbkan frust mengenangkan Hyper Puppy (ring a bell someone? :P) xde lagu2 'tangkap leleh', we started to search for the hits 80's song. Fransesca Peter, Nash, Jamal Abdillah, Awie, Ziana Zain, Aishah, Siti pn termasuk gak la, and SINGING it along. Free karaoke! bands x sempat plak. Itupun da 2 jam. Haha! org kat atas berusrah, kite beronggeng..ish3...
Jaja is the most pro. Hafal lirik sebijik2. What year were u born dear?? Dba as usual lagu siti.kipas-susah-mati Siti. seriously x pernah dgr lagu Azimat Cinta.
It was supposed to be 1 song. I was supposed to do my thesis @_@ Tulah mengutuk Ana Rafalli.
It should be one song but then we watched Faizal Tahir since jaja said his performance was cool. True. He did Houdini trick! L
Like a contagious disease, we started to watch almost all of AJL songs. The most contagious virus was was the opening songs playing the 80's.
Sbbkan frust mengenangkan Hyper Puppy (ring a bell someone? :P) xde lagu2 'tangkap leleh', we started to search for the hits 80's song. Fransesca Peter, Nash, Jamal Abdillah, Awie, Ziana Zain, Aishah, Siti pn termasuk gak la, and SINGING it along. Free karaoke! bands x sempat plak. Itupun da 2 jam. Haha! org kat atas berusrah, kite beronggeng..ish3...
Jaja is the most pro. Hafal lirik sebijik2. What year were u born dear?? Dba as usual lagu siti.kipas-susah-mati Siti. seriously x pernah dgr lagu Azimat Cinta.
It was supposed to be 1 song. I was supposed to do my thesis @_@ Tulah mengutuk Ana Rafalli.
The 80's are the evergreen song
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
AWESOME singer
A talented singer is those who can sing any song, make it sound original and AWESOME!
Either he forgot the lyrics or he just does not wanna sing that part :P
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
My 12 years old Lil' Sis is cool n I'm a noob -_-"
16 January 2011
We were at the monorail to go to Low Yat when we saw a group of hip hop style people with 8TV crews doing break dance at the waiting space
Me : Apela yg dorg buat cool jgk la
Adek : Ish3...tak berfaedah langsung. buat la kempen membaca ke kat sini
Me : (who's the adult here?)
*( ) = monolog dalaman
When we were at Low Yat, one of the TV at the shop I was gonna buy my laptop showed a game
Me : Itu DOTA ke?
Adek : Itu game general
Me : ............
Adek : Nanti Kak Ngah dah keje, beli la laptop yg ade 3D gaming eh
Me : ???!!!
*For gamers, if my info is wrong, my apology k :P
That night when we were on our way to my aunt's house, we say a car pass by. As usual, I love to ask the cars that pass by cause my sister somehow knows every single car including the series.perrgghhhh
Me : Adek, kete ape tu?
Adek : Nissan Fairlady 370z (yes,she mentioned the series k)
![]() |
Nissan Fairlady 370z |
and I typed the name of the car she mentioned, for my blog. Just in case I forgot the series :P Seeing me taking notes, she started to boast herself with the knowledge she have.
Adek : Kak Ngah tau x kereta ape plg mhl?
Me : Errr...Rolls royce? (itu je kereta yg ak pena dgr org ckp plg mahal. zaman bile ntah)
Adek : Sala...Bugatti Veyron. Kereta faveret adek Honda Civic type R( I know Honda Civic, but type R???)
Me : (Where exactly did she learn all this??)
![]() |
Bugatti Veyron. Also the fastest car |
Yes Nazirul, I know you say this is general knowledge but I ask Ain, she also dont know what is the most expensive car. Then again, Ain mmg noob pn :P. (Gurau je Ain.hehe). But try ask other people bout this, maybe most of the guys know but the girls, I dont think so. Inikan pulak budak perempuan berumur 12 tahun. Am gonna ask my housemates later :P
I guess from what I can learn from my sis n also from what Nazirul said, besides than the knowledge we need to know(medic stuff all that), we should have some general knowledge bout anything. Shows that u r not 'katak bawah tempurung'. Anything I guess, as long as there is something. Ain may be noob in this kinna stuff but she's very good in Islamic history. Cube tanye nazirul psl sirah nabi,die ble jwb x.
Rasulullah pernah bersabda, "tuntutlah ilmu sampai ke negeri China". Why negeri China? You can read by yourself here.
karena hadits ini memiliki banyak jalan (sanad), maka dari dhoif naik ke derajat hasan lighoirihi. Just copy paste also in case someone ask bout it. Not enough knowledge bout this. sorry. Maybe we can learn it one day ^^.
But please dont misinterpret my point k. Like my sister said, benda "berfaedah" k. Eventhough game is kureng sket, asal tak memudharatkan takpe kan?hehe..klu sala tlg betulkan saye k...Okla, nak pergi masak ayam opor, which will be my 1st time doing it. Kate nak tambah knowledge. Cooking is general knowledge also right?especially for women ;)
P/S : Nazirul, ibu negara Vietnam is Hanoi k. Phnom Penh is in Cambodia :P
When the heart is not at peace
Rasulullah SAW bersabda:
"Sesunguhnya seorang mukmin tercipta dalam keadaan Mufattan (penuh cobaan), Tawwab (senang bertaubat), dan Nassaa' (suka lupa), (tetapi) apabila diingatkan ia segera ingat". [Silsilah Hadits Shahih No. 2276]
No. I didnt search this hadith by myself. taken from a person's blog :P This is a conversation that I once had:
Alia :Tika, nape eh sejak akhir2 ni, ak rase x tenang je. mcm x sedap hati je
Tika :Maybe sbb hati x bersih n jauh dari Allah
Alia : .............Tika ni,org nk curhat, itu je jwpn die bg (monolog dlmn)
but after asking her for the 2nd time yet still getting the "Gold Standard" answer, I begin my 'therapy' with Him. Turns out she was true. Its because I've been away from Him n forgetting Him. After that, everytime i feel uneasy,sad without any reason, I know, I must have done something wrong or simply because I didnt try spend more time with Him.
"Aku sesuai dgn sangkaan hambaKu, dan Aku bersamanya ketika dia ingat Aku, jika dia ingat kepadaKu di dalam hatinya, Aku akan mengingatinya di dalam hatiKu"
No matter how busy you are, how big your problem is, always remember Him. Sometimes its not your problem that makes your heart ache. But just simply because you ignored Him and yes, He will ignore you too. But remember, He is the most MERCIFUL, no matter how far you have gone astray, with His will, you will find back a way to Him and He will always accept and forgive you.
Make time for Him, and He will give an ample time for you to do other job. Ample time maybe not in terms of 24 hours became 30 hours a day but the flow of your job,the easiness that you felt when doing it. That is what people call 'Berkah'. Today, I almost forget why my heart is not at peace, but He sent me someone to remind it back to me. Thank you my friend and thank you Allah...
Wahai Tuhan yang memegang hati-hati hambaNya dan yang yang berkuasa membolak-balikkan hati-hati itu, tetapkanlah hati kami kepada agamamu...amiiin....
"Sesunguhnya seorang mukmin tercipta dalam keadaan Mufattan (penuh cobaan), Tawwab (senang bertaubat), dan Nassaa' (suka lupa), (tetapi) apabila diingatkan ia segera ingat". [Silsilah Hadits Shahih No. 2276]
No. I didnt search this hadith by myself. taken from a person's blog :P This is a conversation that I once had:
Alia :Tika, nape eh sejak akhir2 ni, ak rase x tenang je. mcm x sedap hati je
Tika :Maybe sbb hati x bersih n jauh dari Allah
Alia : .............Tika ni,org nk curhat, itu je jwpn die bg (monolog dlmn)
but after asking her for the 2nd time yet still getting the "Gold Standard" answer, I begin my 'therapy' with Him. Turns out she was true. Its because I've been away from Him n forgetting Him. After that, everytime i feel uneasy,sad without any reason, I know, I must have done something wrong or simply because I didnt try spend more time with Him.
"Aku sesuai dgn sangkaan hambaKu, dan Aku bersamanya ketika dia ingat Aku, jika dia ingat kepadaKu di dalam hatinya, Aku akan mengingatinya di dalam hatiKu"
No matter how busy you are, how big your problem is, always remember Him. Sometimes its not your problem that makes your heart ache. But just simply because you ignored Him and yes, He will ignore you too. But remember, He is the most MERCIFUL, no matter how far you have gone astray, with His will, you will find back a way to Him and He will always accept and forgive you.
Make time for Him, and He will give an ample time for you to do other job. Ample time maybe not in terms of 24 hours became 30 hours a day but the flow of your job,the easiness that you felt when doing it. That is what people call 'Berkah'. Today, I almost forget why my heart is not at peace, but He sent me someone to remind it back to me. Thank you my friend and thank you Allah...
Wahai Tuhan yang memegang hati-hati hambaNya dan yang yang berkuasa membolak-balikkan hati-hati itu, tetapkanlah hati kami kepada agamamu...amiiin....
Sunday, January 16, 2011
There comes back my 1kg
Nasi beriyani, ketam, nasi lemak, udang galah, char kuew tiau, ABC...great.Just as i manage to lost 1kg last week.zZzZz...
*xdpt nk upload gamba sbb internet lmbt.curik line org :P*
*xdpt nk upload gamba sbb internet lmbt.curik line org :P*
Friday, January 14, 2011
Niat mau betul
Yes, I am home rite now.but not for leisure.
Excited? not really. I came home with abundance of things to think of. So glad to have kind thesis groupmates.thnx hanafiah,yon n hafiz.
Happy? YES. I got to see my loves one.
Dating? NO. Someone is helping me to buy laptop and FULLSTOP.
I cant remember how the hadith goes.(hadith arbain yg 1st x sala) but the what i understand is that u'll get what you want base on ur niat.
So please, no more overexitement over things that are not real. I Came home to buy laptop so that i can do my mountains-of-job and study in peace. Nothin more.
PS: what time is subuh at malaysia? Having jet lap XD
Excited? not really. I came home with abundance of things to think of. So glad to have kind thesis groupmates.thnx hanafiah,yon n hafiz.
Happy? YES. I got to see my loves one.
Dating? NO. Someone is helping me to buy laptop and FULLSTOP.
I cant remember how the hadith goes.(hadith arbain yg 1st x sala) but the what i understand is that u'll get what you want base on ur niat.
So please, no more overexitement over things that are not real. I Came home to buy laptop so that i can do my mountains-of-job and study in peace. Nothin more.
PS: what time is subuh at malaysia? Having jet lap XD
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Tuesday, January 4, 2011
friends forever
me: Ak nk still KIT ng kwn2 ak. Jd auntie kpd anak2 korg.hehe.bia ble join venture kne kn papa die
X : klu ko yg jd auntie,ak make sure dorg pow ko scukup2 nye
We'll wait n see.frens forever k
X : klu ko yg jd auntie,ak make sure dorg pow ko scukup2 nye
We'll wait n see.frens forever k
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5
Monday, January 3, 2011
I'm officially homesick
Its been awhile since I called my parents (adela dlm 1 minggu). So I decided to call my mum. It was my lil' sis who answered it.
Usually there's not much topic we can talk about coz my sis is kinna quite in the phone."adik dah makan? Lauk ape? Adik tgh buat ape?......Mama mane?" But today, bcoz it is the first day of school there was quite a lot of stuff I can ask her coz we went to the same school where her teachers is also my teacher. May Allah bless them.
N instead of me interrogating her, (Coz i usually do the questioning, n she'll answer), today, we really had a conversation. She may be 12 tp ckp cm org tua. Coz she's my mum's only friend kat rumah tu skg. "agen yg auntie tim nk amik maid tipu die RM...., baby Hana da pandai ckp sikit2" amboi, pandainye XD.
Then I talked to my mum. Mum n dad have been kinna busy lately since they got promoted. Some ppl may be proud n happy, well I'm not that exited bout it. If previously my mum would come back home before 5pm,now there were times she had to perform maghrib prayer at her office cause it took 1 hour(itupn klu x jam) to arrive home from her new office. Same goes to my father.
If when i was around my sister's age, they have the time to check my homework. Now, its not always like that anymore. During the past, weekends are time to spend with family, now its not anymore. When i was at home previously, i was the one who felt sad rather than my sis who is already used to it. Ak plak yg emo kan :-P. But Alhamdulillah, my father had the effort to spend even little but quality time with her. Go to the supermarket, watch movies, look for her art class stuff(sampai color pencils da berkotak2).
What im trying to say is, no matter how much money n property u have, it goes down to love that gives the ultimate happiness. My mum is thinking of option to spend more time with my sis. Haha. Lets just wait n see.
I can't image my life as a doctor, wife, n a mother....yet. But i do hope im able to give the ones i love, ample happiness, with all my heart. May be the quality that counts rather than quantity. I hope my parents are available next weekend :-).
Back to why im being so homesick, coz the phone hung up in the middle of our converstation coz im out of credit n its raining outside.
Sorry for the long essay. I was supposed to keep it short n interesting, but blog is kinda of a diary too rite? N i never had one ;-).
My apology if this post makes you feel homesick too. Its just truthfully from my heart. Wassalam..
Usually there's not much topic we can talk about coz my sis is kinna quite in the phone."adik dah makan? Lauk ape? Adik tgh buat ape?......Mama mane?" But today, bcoz it is the first day of school there was quite a lot of stuff I can ask her coz we went to the same school where her teachers is also my teacher. May Allah bless them.
N instead of me interrogating her, (Coz i usually do the questioning, n she'll answer), today, we really had a conversation. She may be 12 tp ckp cm org tua. Coz she's my mum's only friend kat rumah tu skg. "agen yg auntie tim nk amik maid tipu die RM...., baby Hana da pandai ckp sikit2" amboi, pandainye XD.
Then I talked to my mum. Mum n dad have been kinna busy lately since they got promoted. Some ppl may be proud n happy, well I'm not that exited bout it. If previously my mum would come back home before 5pm,now there were times she had to perform maghrib prayer at her office cause it took 1 hour(itupn klu x jam) to arrive home from her new office. Same goes to my father.
If when i was around my sister's age, they have the time to check my homework. Now, its not always like that anymore. During the past, weekends are time to spend with family, now its not anymore. When i was at home previously, i was the one who felt sad rather than my sis who is already used to it. Ak plak yg emo kan :-P. But Alhamdulillah, my father had the effort to spend even little but quality time with her. Go to the supermarket, watch movies, look for her art class stuff(sampai color pencils da berkotak2).
What im trying to say is, no matter how much money n property u have, it goes down to love that gives the ultimate happiness. My mum is thinking of option to spend more time with my sis. Haha. Lets just wait n see.
I can't image my life as a doctor, wife, n a mother....yet. But i do hope im able to give the ones i love, ample happiness, with all my heart. May be the quality that counts rather than quantity. I hope my parents are available next weekend :-).
Back to why im being so homesick, coz the phone hung up in the middle of our converstation coz im out of credit n its raining outside.
Sorry for the long essay. I was supposed to keep it short n interesting, but blog is kinda of a diary too rite? N i never had one ;-).
My apology if this post makes you feel homesick too. Its just truthfully from my heart. Wassalam..
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Things does not always go as we plan
Exam is on 4 Jan 2010
30/12 : week 3
31/12 : week 4 n 5
1/1 : week 6 n lab
2/1 : past years
Exam postponed to 7 jan 2010
What happened
30/12 : group outing.went to dina's house,exchange gifts, played truth or dare, watch movie box
31/12 : was about to start studying then got the news bout the postpone. Went out to watch new years celebration
1/1 : lepaking with housemates watching movie where the heroin dies and neither heros get to be with the girl. Finished reading a novel since 6 months ago(nice story though)
2/1 : you better start studying or you.ll be flushing it down the toilet
"Demi masa. Sesungguhnya manusia dalam kerugian" (Al-asr : 1-2)
30/12 : week 3
31/12 : week 4 n 5
1/1 : week 6 n lab
2/1 : past years
Exam postponed to 7 jan 2010
What happened
30/12 : group outing.went to dina's house,exchange gifts, played truth or dare, watch movie box
31/12 : was about to start studying then got the news bout the postpone. Went out to watch new years celebration
1/1 : lepaking with housemates watching movie where the heroin dies and neither heros get to be with the girl. Finished reading a novel since 6 months ago(nice story though)
2/1 : you better start studying or you.ll be flushing it down the toilet
"Demi masa. Sesungguhnya manusia dalam kerugian" (Al-asr : 1-2)
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5
Saturday, January 1, 2011
This is a post from my phone. Hope im able to post a blog whenever im in the mood to as long as there is wifi.
Im loving u android
Im loving u android
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5
1.1.11...Burst ur colours out!!!
Bismillah...My first personal blog eva(health system doesnt count k). Im having flights of ideas rite now. Too exited i guess sbb dpt pilih tarikh yg best utk wat klu boring tu, my apology k..
Anyways, today's initial plan was : staying at home studying 2.3.konon2 not in a mood for new bile dpt tau make up test postpone, the mood suddenly changed. Ingatkan nk maintain cool kat umah.but then bl updates facebook and twitter gets slower n when its still the same post from the last it been opened (cause its been checked every 5 min,or less), ini x bole jadi.we have to get out from the house.
So we decided to go to "Cokelat".ala2 secret recipe cume lg murah but still nice.walaupn dekat dan murah,tp sbb ade org suh pakai baju lawa2, dgn berat hatinye pakaila sluar merah makngah,which is the first time i wore it n xtau lg bile nk pakai,baju rm15 beli kat TS dan dah dipotong sendiri sbb kembang sgt,tudung pink yg actly x msk dgn sua merah makngah.n a handbag yg x pena pakai gak coz my purse doesnt fit in (bwk duit je),kunci motor pn tmpg beg org lain. what the heck?its new year rite.
Enough wif the outfit description.btw,org lain pn lawa jgk =). after doing some narcist activities, we head out to Cokelat. Honestly, dis is my first time at jogja, going out during new year's eve.the previous year, was either watching fire works from the cost or from tv if I was at home in Malaysia.
But tonite, we got to see live n close up fireworks everywhere while riding the bike (first time mmg intentionally bwk slow) dr kiri kanan depan blakg. atas kepala pn ade.rase mcm if we r being celebrated.over x?.huhu.x mcm kat msia tgk kat tv or from faraway je.(coz org malaysia ni kreatif sgt kn).
While watching the fireworks from cokelat.terdgr la anak2 SMP ke SMA wat resolution.."moga thn ini lebih kurus(which is my everyday reso), moga thn ini duit jajannya lebih (which is quite impossible to get from JPA),moga thn ini lebih baik dr sebelumnya..amiiin..."
I guess we dont have to wait for new year to do something.if u feel like doing it,just do it.dont wait. mcm la ak x tggu new yr kn nk wat blog ni.this one is exception la eh.nnti title opening x lawa plak. wut i meant is,at the time u have the momentum, dont slow down just to wait for a perfect time. frankly,its hard to find a perfect klu bab2 ngorat or nk propose kat org tu, ak xtau la plak.pokoknye certain stuffs la eh.
I think dats enough for my first.its 2 am already n dba pn da tertido(cause im using her laptop,dont wanna stop the momentum :P).anyways, here's a song dedicated to all of u.No matter what u wanna be,what u wanna do in this new year, be confident wif it n do wut u WANT, truthfully from ur heart k.(mati ak klu tibe2 ade org dropout from UGM) Just be comfortable in ur own skin k. Be urself, then u can shine brightly in ur own way =)
Anyways, today's initial plan was : staying at home studying 2.3.konon2 not in a mood for new bile dpt tau make up test postpone, the mood suddenly changed. Ingatkan nk maintain cool kat umah.but then bl updates facebook and twitter gets slower n when its still the same post from the last it been opened (cause its been checked every 5 min,or less), ini x bole jadi.we have to get out from the house.
So we decided to go to "Cokelat".ala2 secret recipe cume lg murah but still nice.walaupn dekat dan murah,tp sbb ade org suh pakai baju lawa2, dgn berat hatinye pakaila sluar merah makngah,which is the first time i wore it n xtau lg bile nk pakai,baju rm15 beli kat TS dan dah dipotong sendiri sbb kembang sgt,tudung pink yg actly x msk dgn sua merah makngah.n a handbag yg x pena pakai gak coz my purse doesnt fit in (bwk duit je),kunci motor pn tmpg beg org lain. what the heck?its new year rite.
Enough wif the outfit description.btw,org lain pn lawa jgk =). after doing some narcist activities, we head out to Cokelat. Honestly, dis is my first time at jogja, going out during new year's eve.the previous year, was either watching fire works from the cost or from tv if I was at home in Malaysia.
Bukan slaloo ble pakai outfit sebegini :P |
While watching the fireworks from cokelat.terdgr la anak2 SMP ke SMA wat resolution.."moga thn ini lebih kurus(which is my everyday reso), moga thn ini duit jajannya lebih (which is quite impossible to get from JPA),moga thn ini lebih baik dr sebelumnya..amiiin..."
oh yeah,n ur reso bout diet, just melt like how this ice cream choc melt in ur mouth |
I think dats enough for my first.its 2 am already n dba pn da tertido(cause im using her laptop,dont wanna stop the momentum :P).anyways, here's a song dedicated to all of u.No matter what u wanna be,what u wanna do in this new year, be confident wif it n do wut u WANT, truthfully from ur heart k.(mati ak klu tibe2 ade org dropout from UGM) Just be comfortable in ur own skin k. Be urself, then u can shine brightly in ur own way =)
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